Ken Reesor

Ken Reesor

Ph.D., C.Psych., C-CAT (MB), CMLE

Dr. Reesor received his M.A. in 1984 and his Ph.D. in 1986 from the University of British Columbia in Clinical Psychology. He did pre-doctoral training in psycho-vocational and neuro-vocational assessments at the Workers’ Compensation Board of B.C. and at The Rehabilitation Centre, Ottawa Hospital, where he provided therapy and assessment services (psychological, psycho-vocational, and neuropsychological) to spinal cord, stroke/neuro-locomotor, amputee, and chronic pain units and programs. Following his doctoral training, he held a position at The Rehabilitation Centre as a staff Psychologist (1986-88). He was former assistant director of Psychology at the Ottawa Hospital, General Campus (1988-91). He has held clinical positions in the Schools of Medicine, Psychology, as well as Graduate Studies and Research at the University of Ottawa and held an appointment to the Medical Staff of the Ottawa Hospital (1988-91). He sat on the executive board of the Canadian Academy of Psychologists in Disability Assessment (CAPDA) from 2007-2008, the WSIB Pre-1990 Claims Advisory Committee in Ottawa (from 2005 to 2008) and was past President of the Ottawa Academy of Psychology (1994). He is a member or associate member of the Ontario Psychological Association (OPA), Canadian Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology (CRHSPP), Canadian Society of Medical Evaluators (CSME), American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology (AACN), International Neuropsychological Society (INS), and the American Psychological Association (APA). Since 1988, he has been an invited speaker, consultant, trainer, faculty and/or assessor with/to various organizations including the National Institute of Disability Management and Rehabilitation Research (NIDMAR), International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP), Canada Pension Plan (CPP), Medical Services Branch of Health Canada, Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB), Canadian Association of Rehabilitation Professionals (CARP), Canadian Institute of Life Care Planners, County of Carleton Law Association, Eastern Ontario Legal Aid, Orthotics Prosthetics Canada (OPC), private companies as well as insurance companies providing long-term disability and motor vehicle accident entitlements. He has provided legal and tribunal testimony and have been declared an expert witness in the province of Ontario. He has been on multiple Designated Assessment Centre (DAC) rosters including Team Leader of a Residual Earning Capacity DAC (from 1994 to 2006). He has been the principal in a group psychology practice for over 25 years. He has provided consultation and supervision services to various clinical and healthcare professionals. The majority of his assessment and treatment services have been provided to individuals who have sustained personal injury, security/military/police personnel, and individuals with psychiatric disabilities. He has provided assessment in a variety of legal and quasi-legal contexts including independent examinations for personal injury (including motor vehicle claimants; boat/plane/train injuries; historical sexual abuse; medical/dental malpractice; animal attacks; toxic exposure; and workplace harassment); vocational capacity and disability determinations; current and future treatment need determinations; RCMP, Department of National Defense, and Canadian Border Security fitness for duty; firearms screening for Parliament Hill security; and expert opinions for plaintiff, defence, and crown attorneys. He is on the permanent registry with the College of Psychologists of Ontario, with competency in the areas of Rehabilitation Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Health Psychology, and Clinical Neuropsychology. He is certified to undertake Catastrophic Impairment determinations for mental behavioral impairment C-CAT (MB) and medical legal evaluations [CMLE (ON)].

Member Since: March 12, 2002

Locations where Clinician is Licensed to Practice: ON

Contact Details

Reesor and Associates
11th Floor - 343 Preston Street
Ottawa, ON
Canada K1S 1N4

TEL: 613-230-0250 Ext. 2
FAX: 613-230-7489


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Assessment Services

Disability Assessments: Health; Vocational; Neuropsychology; Other; Rehabilitation; Clinical

Age Groups: Adults

Referral Sources: Other; Rehab Personnel; Insurers; Assessment Agencies; Lawyers; Physicians

Therapy Services

Types of Intervention: Behavioural; Rehabilitation Counselling; Cognitive; Insight Oriented

Types of condition: Cognitive Impairment; Anxiety Disorders; Chronic Pain; Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; Mood Disorders; Anger; Behavioural Disorders; Adjustment Disorders

Age Groups: Adults

Referral Sources: Rehab Personnel; Insurers; Physicians; Lawyers